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The first human flight in history was the revolution that gave birth to aviation. What followed were critical improvements in safety, followed by a healthy operating market to democratise flight and make air travel available to many. Due to its popularity, aviation has now arrived on the doorstep of the fourth revolution: in order to reach our near zero-emissions target in 2050, we must decarbonise flight. We therefore innovate with a purpose to contribute to that target. What’s more, the demand for seamless connectivity and increased passenger experience is high, digital twins a reality, new technologies such as artificial intelligence will offer benefits to operation and services, and quantum computing may very well disrupt what computing will be capable of in the future.This keynote will share key challenges aviation offers and which exciting opportunities it has to offer.
Godesberger Allee 70 • 53175 Bonn • dlrk(at)dglr.de • Fon +49 228 30805-12 • Fax +49 228 30805-24